Wednesday, 29 April 2015

The Dream House :)

This,I think is a topic,that might be interesting for many of you.
I don't know about you but I cannot wait to move!
Sometimes I dream of being financially stabil and able to buy a loft,or a studio tipe of appartement.I actually don't care in which country,but I would like to be at a high altitude(not the city,the appartement :)) and with a great view :)
And also if I get to decorate my home to be sweet ;) that is like how I would like to say "food for soul".I love putting my mark into my work,so it would mean to me a lot.
I'm a really shy person with not so many friends, who spends 80% of her day inside.I workout inside.If I go outside through the week,it would be for school or grocery shoppind,....Alone :(
So,even it is not so good,I would love to have a job that keeps me at home,but at the same time,not forbid me to go out.I don't know what I want to become yet,I just know I want to learn as many languages as possible,write a book,edit stuff(I know it sounds weird but working on my laptop doesn't sound so bad for me actually :).It's productive and you get to learn so many things that you hardly learn in school.
Back to the perfect appartment/Home.I really don't care about the space,if there is a garden with or without pool.
I just want like a place on my own,like alone.I'm not saying that I don't want people around but I just am tired of living with 4 other :(
I need most of the time to be in silence so that I can calm down from all the stress.And,trust me,seeing other people doesn't help >:(
Ok so dream home....Quiet,medium size,in a big city,great view.....Just for me :)

Hope you enjoyed my opinion today ;)

Love You guys :)


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